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Affichage des articles du septembre, 2016

Term M "Let music rule" TEXT + Fiche exos

Read the text and answer the questions on your worksheet. Question 6 tableau à compléter Question 7a)b) Question 8a)b)

1ere L : You are what you eat Task preparation

To practise Look at this images: CHOOSE ONE TO TALK ABOUT: Take notes (mots clefs) -present document type -describe -analyse -give opinion/react Record yourself (enregistrez-vous //2-3 minute presentation) Envoyez par e-mail: ou bien vous me le déposez directement à Thankyou! See you on friday!


Tableau Alphabet phonétique

Trace Ecrite "swinging 60s" definition

The 60's was a time of technological and social revolution in the UK. London was the fashion capital of the world. The young people were opposed to/ against consumerism and government control . The young people's mentality had changed (past perfect had+part. passé) and they were opposed to the ideas/principles of the old people. L'interêt d'utiliser le past perfect: marquer un bilan d'une période antérieure à un moment passé. = Young people's mentality during 60's VS before the 60's.

Script CO "A worrying Trend" (Une tendance inquiétante) + WB questions

 Read scripts and answer questions. Recap (after question 12)  Lien vers les questions de compréhension écrite Questions Part 1: Questions Part 2: Script part 1 Script part 2

Political Cartoons TL

These are the images you produced in class. Compare and contrast them to the original, and what is different? (Révisions comparatifs p.265 manuel) Be able to describe the ORIGINAL images by heart. (par coeur). -Recherche de mots clefs, -Traduction des termes inconnus HELP. Manuel p.240 "Commenter un document visuel"

2nde Celebrity Fact File Task

  Homework Produce a fact file on a celebrity of your choice. Below are some questions which you must research using the internet and answer. Choose 10 (15 for Susan, Muhamad, Rayane) You must include the celebrity’s full name in big letters , a picture/s of the chosen celebrity and your name. Name: Pace of Birth: DOB: Height: Weight: Interests: Family member’s names: Hair colour/style: Skin colour/ethnicity: Eye colour/size/shape: Talents and abilities: Things they are bad at: Physical appearance (What they look like-Skin colour, body type, size) Favourite place: